Thursday, August 7, 2014

Back-To-School Series #2-Study Tips

Hello Everyone!
Today I wanted to tell you guys some study tips to help you have a super successful school year!
  1. My NUMBER ONE TIP!!! Review Monday through Friday! This might sound like a lot but it's not really studying, even though it is. This way you don't have to cram once you find out there's a test or quiz. You just study a little harder before. Also if there is a pop quiz you will be super prepared. I reviewed everyday and barely ever had to study hard and it was so much less stressful!
  2. Use your time wisely!! It is not the amount of time you spend studying that matters. It's what you can accomplish during that time. If you spend an hour studying but are checking your phone every 3 minutes, you are really not studying for that long. It's one thing to take a break but another to avoid your work. Plan and write a study plan into your planner so that you can set an hour or 2 away to just study and put the phone away except for a 5 minute break every half hour to check twitter and get a snack
  3. Stay motivated!! If you are not motivated and have a poor attitude, your study session will not be very productive. You have just one chance to pass an exam or get an A on your paper. Pick a time of day where you can get motivated to prepare for tests, write essays, and solve problems.
  4. Concentrate!! Concentration is one of the more important study skills you need to have. You won't always be able to study when its quiet or be able to spend as much time as you would like on a particular thing. Learn how to deal with distractions so you can focus all your attention to studying.
  5. Ask for help!! If you don't understand something, ASK FOR HELP. Ask your teacher, family, or friends for help. It is important to figure out the problem as soon as you don't understand so you can fix it. Or, you will end up having to spend more time studying that one thing trying to understand it last minute. Also, if you can't reach a teacher, or a family member or friend to help, you can always go online and there are tons of homework help sites! But DO NOT CHEAT! Cheating will just hurt you in the long run because you didn't actually do learn it if you didn't study it, so what's the point of that.
  6. Create a clean, calm area where you are comfortable to study. Whether it's your bed, your desk, the kitchen table, or even your backyard! Just find a place you are happy and comfortable.
  7. Make a study group with your friends! It makes studying so much more enjoyable! then when your done you can all go get froyo together or go shopping!
  8. Take careful notes, keep organized, and keep track of them! There is no point in taking good notes if you can't find them or spend half your study time trying to get them all in the right spot. Or even if you take not so good notes, if you keep them organized and safe, you can still get a good amount out of them. Get a good system to get all your school supplies and notes in order.
  9. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! There is a damn good reason teachers give you homework!!! Its basically review!! So them you don't have to review yourself, the teachers basically are giving you a study guide! And keep your homework because it's most likely the some of the main points of the lesson, so its basically a whole other set of notes!! So if you are a bad note taker, you have that set of notes right there! So you have no excuse! Haha! Even if you are good at note taking it's always nice to have that extra help to get a better grade!
Well I hope I helped you for the next school year with studying! If any of these things helped you or have any other study tips, tweet me @pinkfloral811 or comment!! Watch for more posts from my Back-To-School Series!
Thanks for reading!

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